


时间:2016-11-20 点击数:

公司很荣幸地邀请到邀请到国际知名的英国民族音乐学家Prof. Jonathan Stock教授在石湖校区教8楼演播厅以中文进行讲座,讲题为《跨文化的世界音乐演出面面观》,欢迎喜爱音乐的师生参加聆听。

主讲:Prof. Jonathan Stock教授



Jonathan Stock 教授现任爱尔兰国立科克大学音乐系主任,音乐和戏剧学院经理,曾任职于英国Durham大学,Sheffield大学(教授)和悉尼雷竞技(RAYBET)(副经理)。作为一名长期致力于中国,台湾以及东亚音乐的研究,并涉足英国民间音乐,音乐教育和音乐分析等领域的学者,Stock 教授一直活跃在西方学术界,除担任英国Arts and Humanities Research Council等多项国家级学术评审主席外,还担任The World of Music,Ethnomusicology Forum等一些重要学术期刊的编辑或主编。Stock 教授著作丰富,已经出版超过十多本著作以及大量书籍章节和论文。

Jonathan Stock is Professor of Music and current Head of Department of Music at UCC in Cork, Ireland. He is an ethnomusicologist specialising in the music of East Asia, China and Taiwan.

Prof. Stock completed his PhD at the Queen’s University of Belfast and was a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow and then Lecturer at the University of Durham, before moving to Sheffield to found a new programme in ethnomusicology. He has been editor of several important international ethnomusicology journals, including The World of Music, and is currently co-editor of Ethnomusicology Forum.

Prof. Stock is the author of many articles and has written two important books on Chinese music -- namely Musical Creativity in Twentieth Century China: Abing, His Music and Its Changing Meanings ( Rochester, NY: Rochester University Press, 1996) and Huju: Traditional Opera in Modern Shanghai(Oxford University Press, 2003).



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